
March 01, 2008

I am moving blogs.....

I have loved being a part of the Mu.Nu's, but it is time for me to move on.... I sent an email to a blog friend discussing it all and I think this sums it all up.

Nothing to do with MT vs WordPress, but I like that I have the control over the whole blog. I can install add-ins, will have comments and trackbacks again, and did I mention the whole control thing?

CONTROL! Bwahahaha!

Check out my new home at I am still moving it and it is not customized, but you can leave comments and I can trackback to ya!!!! Weeeeeee!

February 07, 2008


What if you are both?

January 30, 2008

Sent to me today....

Sent to me today by my friend that we both deem "Girl With Issues". But I don't care about the issues part since she likes my blog.


January 13, 2008

Kinda Goes Along With the Whole Theme Here.

As a refresher from my bio:

Why call my blog Prochein Amy? All of my nicknames or pet names do not really apply to me now and I was sick of them. So I did a search on for amy. I found the entry for Prochein ami. Hey, that's me! Your next friend. And why does it apply? Honestly, I am way too nice. People who know me, know that if you don't get along with me and I am unable to get along with you, you don't get along with anybody!! (Well maybe someone, but not very many.)

\Pro"chein\, a. [F. prochain, fr. L. (assumed) proximanus, fr. proximus.] Next; nearest.
Prochein ami or amy(Law), the next friend. See under Next.

Quiz found here.

January 12, 2008

More Than A Single Tear

I love good people!

January 03, 2008

How cool is this?

It changes each day, month, year, etc....

Get it for your website here. Also, you can add it to your iGoogle page. (Hint, hint, GWI!)

See the full month here.

Hat tip to quick links to good stuff

December 30, 2007

Newest Blog In Town

The girls received cameras from their Granny for Christmas. She came to the same conclusion as I did. The kids cameras are not worth the money. So she bought them low end digital cameras. They were given a "lecture" on care and use.

They have already taken pictures and enjoy it. So to encourage them, I revived a blog I had at Blogger to use as a Photo Blog. They even picked out fake names and approved the color scheme. I toyed with the idea of participating in Project 365. You are to take a picture each day. I think that would be to demanding on all of us, so we will aim for it, but not hold ourselves to it.

So check it out and add us to your blogroll if you are so inclined.

December 26, 2007

Linked Lyrics - "Crazy Dreams"

An idea from a bygone blogger named Dana. Almost every song I listen to for the first time is considered for this. It has been some time since I found a song that would work.

"Crazy Dreams" by Carrie Underwood

Hello you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, dashboard drummers*
Hello you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

I stood at the bottom of some walls I thought I couldn't climb
I felt like Cinderella at the ball just running out of time
So I know how it feels to be afraid
Thank God it's all gonna slip away
Hold on, hold on

Here's to you free souls, you firefly chasers
Tree climbers, porch swingers, air guitar players
Here's to you fearless dancers, shaking walls in your bedrooms

There's a lot of wonder left inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

Never let a bad day be enough
To go and talk you in to giving up
Sometimes everybody feels like you
Oh, feels like you, just like you

I've met some go-getters
Some difference makers
Small town heroes, and big chance takers
I've met some young hearts with something to prove
Oh, yeah

Here's to you long shots
You dark horse runners
Hairbrush singers, and dashboard drummers
Here's to you wild magnolias
Just waiting to bloom

There's a little bit of all that inside of me and you
Thank God even crazy dreams come true
Thank God even crazy dreams come true

*Can you find the "drumming"?

November 24, 2007

It's All Good

A few weeks ago, I was able to have dinner with CalTechGirl and her hubby. We met at my favorite Cali restaurant Claim Jumpers. Yum! But even better than the food was the company. It was so good!

Since CalTechGirl doesn’t like posting her picture to the public, I talked her into taking this picture with me. Don’t we look great?


September 12, 2007

Still here...

It has been busy here, so I am behind on my football posts. I still need to do a game summary of both games. I missed the pre-game summary for TCU, but I will wait and do that before next years game.

My husband has me hooked on a series of books by Terry Goodkind. I finished book three, but will not continue until I get some things done here and at home. I have a bad addiction to reading and will not put a book down until it is done. Bah!

August 26, 2007

August Happiness Challenge Day 26

Two weeks ago I was in the neighborhood of Gradual Dazzle. We met for coffee at Starbucks and had a grand ol' time. What I enjoy about blogging is that meeting in person is really not meeting for the first time. Or it doesn't feel like it. I was very comfortable with her and her kids.

Meeting one of my favorite bloggers makes me happy!!!!

August 05, 2007

Don't Ask Me How I Know

If you don't have a blowdryer, a A/C wall unit will work.

June 24, 2007

A Meme from One Happy Dog

This meme is from One Happy Dog.

Amy from "Little Women". My Mom liked Jo's character better, but did not like her name.

Friday night I was watching "What Not To Wear" and the chic started crying about how much better she looked and how great she felt after they helped her dress better.

Yes and even better on a whiteboard.

I am a non-discrimanatory lunch meat eater.

Yes. Two girls.

Oh ya, look at the meaning of Prochein. "Next Friend."

Do pigs eat?


No, but I have sky dived.

Nature's Own Granola Cereal. It is pretty new, but before that I like Cinnammon life.

Until they are broken in.

Everything but my eating willpower.

Pralines and Cream, Any double chocolate flavor, vanilla, french vanilla, strawberry, cookies and cream. See the last question.


For steak? Red if it is a good steak. Pink if not.

My weight.

I am lucky enought to not have an anwer for that question.

Pizza Hut pepperoni pizza. We went to a 5 - 7 pm birthday party that did not serve dinner (WHAT!?!?!) So afterwards we went to another friends house (whose kids also went to the party) and ordered pizza.

"The Fairly Odd Parents" theme song from the TV.

burnt orange

Nothing sticks out on this one.

My husband.

Texas College Football

Whatever is on sale.



If I had to pick, Queso with some meat in it.

Happy endings. I watch movies to escape reality.

Ice Princess


Fall, uh football season!!!!


Chocolate Motherlode Cake from Claim Jumpers. It is six layers of chocolate cake with chocolate chips all through it. Yum!

None - no time for books


No TV.

My kids laughing when my husband is tickling them. It is a different laugh than other times.

Don't care.

Kinda hard to anwer if you are a military brat.

I get along with everyone.


June 16, 2007

Rolling through the Blogroll

I was able to visit everyone on my blogroll Thursday evening. It was good to catch up. I wanted to share with you a post that made me chuckle.

June 10, 2007

Don't Ask Me How I Know

If you keep walking through some grainny spills in Wal-Mart and wonder what was spilled..... you may discover that the bag of sugar in your cart has a tear in it. It has been slowly leaking making a path of sugar for you to walk in. And if you are lucky, you picked up the 4 pound bags instead of the 10 pound one.

May 28, 2007

Blog? What Blog?

So, the last month or so has been crazy. My wireless adapter on my home pc started acting up. I ordered a new one, but it is was delivered to my main office and for the last two weeks I am at another location. And I will be there for the next two. By the end of the day I don't feel like dragging out my work laptop to blog and all.

I have had my CPAP machine for 6 nights. I can't tell a major difference yet except my nose hurts. I chose this mask since it felt the lightest and least "engulfing". It has two openings for each nostril and rests on the lip. Kinda like a moustache. They said it would take 3 weeks to adjust to it. I will blog more on it later.

During the last few weeks we have had a Kindergarted Graduation, T-ball Team Party, soccer practice, Mom visiting from out of town, Dad coming for the weekend. They are getting ready to close on their house next week.

Youngest had a field trip (pictures to come) and I have been super busy at work.

I need a hair cut, need my nails done, and need a quiet weekend. But that will not be for awhile since Youngest has a birthday this week and my parents move up the next week.

Are you tired yet?

April 30, 2007

My Mom's Blogiversary

My Mom's blog is two years old! I can remember helping her set it up. I was so excited. And I still am. I have learned so much about her and I know I will continue to do so.

April 28, 2007

Quote Of The Day

"I saw a dead squirl last week and it made me smile and think of you."

If you keep up with Kris's blog, you know she is not a big fan of sqwuirls. She even has a whole category for her related posts. So the other day when I saw a dead sqwuirl on the road, I smiled as I thought of her. Kinda sick, but the more I think about it, the more it makes me laugh.

April 21, 2007

Jet Man

I wanna do this!

April 18, 2007

To All You Wii People

I am an official contributor to Woo hoo! Gotta a Wii? Check it out - on a regular basis!

March 30, 2007

Vote if you like it....

I entered a logo contest for And now it is open for votes. So if you like mine, vote for it here.


March 29, 2007

In case.... need to know.

March 17, 2007

JACK ARMY’s "A Day in the Life” of My FOB

A chaptered story told on many blogs starts here and continues here:

Chapter Eight: Dinner

Dinner can be an adventure, at least for me. In case you didn’t notice, I didn’t get this skinny by not eating! So, I look forward to a good meal. What is unfortunate, in my opinion, is that there are a few meals that the Army serves that are just not that delicious. For example, General Tso’s Chicken seems more like Corporal Tso’s Rubber Chunks to me, so I won’t eat it. I’m not a big fan of the shimp scampy with bowtie pasta… leaves an aftertaste that lasts and lasts.

Having said that, there are a couple of meals that I look forward to, such as roast beef or roast chicken, both excellent dishes. We also have plenty of extries as well. You know, stuff like chips, power bars, trail mix and jerky treats. There are plenty of sodas, water, milk and juices as well. Some days, we are a little skimpy on something if it has run out or if we didn’t get enough on the last CLP (pronounced “clip” – Combat Logistics Patrol). But that’s not that big a deal since there’s plenty of other stuff to go around.

Then there’s all the stuff guys get in care packages. We have a table set up in the Dining Facility for stuff that guys don’t want or was sent to share. When we first set up the table, we had to chase off the local interpreters because they went hog wild over that stuff and the Soldiers weren’t getting much. As soon as they realized that there was enough to go around and there was a steady supply, they settled down.

One of the best things about dinner, though, is the company. It is nice to sit down, eat leisurely, and laugh and joke with the guys. Sometimes, it’s a bitch session and we get all whiny about something or other, but mostly it’s jokes and laughter, guys telling war stories about their last deployment or things done in years past.

I don’t tell many stories, though, especially on baked chicken night.

February 14, 2007

Happy V-day!

Enjoy this index.

February 10, 2007

Maybe I really just need a laugh....

...but this post really made me laugh. ROFL!

January 22, 2007

Not even packing

Xavier has tagged me for a meme. I feel special since I am the only one tagged not packing a gun!

The meme is to share five off the wall, strange, unusual or just little-known facts about yourself. My 100 things about me probably covered the most obvious, so I will have to think hard for 5 more*.

1. I will get my Concealed Handgun License before I die. The main reason I read Xavier's blog is to learn about guns, so that when I do, I will have some knowledge. Plus, maybe I will be able to solicit some advice when I go to buy my first gun.

2. I know how to crochet. My Mom taught me over the 4th of July weekend last year. I have made several hats, purses, and one cute little creature. I am currently working on a sweater. I can not believe how much I enjoy it. After buying a book on stiches, I can take a basic pattern and do it anyway I want. I like that once I get the basic pattern down, I am not limited to just that.

3. I like watching Hannah Montana. GAH!

4. Do you remember the episode when Jerry Sienfeld dated a woman who had "man hands"? Well, I have man wrists. My wrists look horrible with watches on. Braclets are OK, but still don't look the greatest to me.

5. I am struggling on this last one, so I am going to pull from my last post. With blogging, you don't get to hear people. The tone in their voice, their accents, phases they use. And you can't hear their laughing. And that is one thing I do and do well. I laugh at most anything. I laugh when I am happy. I laugh when I am uncomfortable. I laugh.

Now for the tagging. I am going to pick newbies to my blogroll except for my Mom! And three is enough.

Fat Doctor
Jack Army

*I started this post 5 days ago!

January 13, 2007

Mom is Standing By Her Statue

Stand By Your Statue features pictures sent in of people... uh... standing by statues. My Mom is featured this week by a statue at the Fort Worth Kimble Art Museum. Check it out.

December 13, 2006

I'm a hugger, she's a hugger, are you a hugger too?

The 2006 Weblog Awards are going on. I had not voted until today and found the new category of "Video of the Year". The finalists are entertaining and I had seen a few and found some new ones.

I ended up voting for this one.

Update: I found this and this.

December 11, 2006

Online Shopping Tips Continued

Sissy from "And What Next" has posted five tips for online shopping. I would like to add some of my own to that list....

Tip 6: Visit The Bargainist. They post current sales, coupons, freebies. I have been visiting this site for about two weeks and they have done well. That is how I found out about this. Another similiar site is

Tip 7: Shop through It is like getting reward points on your credit card without the credit card. You shop for stuff and if you buy something through the link you earn points that can be used later. And it is not for lame retailers. They work with Target, CompUSA, HomeDepot, Dell, Apple and many more. I don't buy stuff just because I can through YUB, but if I was planning on spending the money anyway, might as well get some back.

Tip 8: Woot and Shnoop! These are sites that are pretty close in concept. They both put items up for sale for limited times and good prices. Even if you never buy anything, the decriptions from are funny. And Shnoop has good videos.

Tip 9: is offering more products from other retailers. This brings you a better selection and lower prices. Can't beat that!!!!

Tip 10: If you are looking to buy something you know little or nothing about, visit You can find reviews for products from normal people. You may not be able to find them on the exact model, but you can look for similiar models to get a good idea.

Tip 10: Keep your eye on the shipping costs. This is where some retailers and e-bayers get you. Even with the cheaper prices it could still cost you more than what you can buy it for at your local store. Even if gas prices are high....

Tip 12: E-mail me with what you are looking for. I love to hunt down for the best deal. Really!!!

December 06, 2006

Pilot Show for FoodTV

Gradual Dazzle has posted about a possible new show on FoodTV. If you don't read her blog, can you guess what kind of animal she does not like?

December 04, 2006

Cookie Recipes

Army Wife Toddler Mom is looking for cookie recipes. This one is from my Dad's side of the family and they are yummy!!!!

Texas Ranger Cookies

1 Cup sugar
1 Cup brown sugar
2 Large eggs
2 tesp. soda
1 tesp. salt
1 Tesp. vanilla
1 Cup shortning or butter ( I use all butter or 1/2 and 1/2)
2 Cups flour
2 cups Cornflakes
2 Cups Oatmeal

Bake at 375 degrees 10-12 minutes or 400 for 8 minutes

Mix 1st seven ingredients then add the other three one at a time


From my Mom's side is a recipe that my Mom posted last year.

October 17, 2006

Where do you want to eat?

Have you ever noticed when it comes time to figure out where to go to eat, no one really knows what they want? But when someone suggests something, they know they don't want it. But when you ask them what they do want, they still don't know? I think it is partly because no one wants to be responsible for picking if someone doesn't like it. Or they don't want their choice to be shot down.

That is how I can be about politics. Mostly, I can't flat out tell you what I believe in the political arena. But if someone brings stuff up, then I can tell them I don't want that. "Then what do you suggest?" No idea. Well, maybe no idea that I want responsibility for. And what if you don't like my idea or beliefs? What if you shoot it down? I might cry!

With the blogosphere, that has changed somewhat. Because I read more about politics, not just what is in the media, I get a different view point. More often than not, I get both sides. I can take what I read and pick out of it what I agree with and what I don't. And with that I build my beliefs and form my opinions.

September 27, 2006

I will admit....

He may not know what the "best" shade of orange is (see the comments on this post), but he did link to a another great blog. And I can't pick a favorite, to many good ones.

September 02, 2006

Finishing off the August Happiness Challenge

Three final reasons for happiness:

Day 29: This day was very stressful at work. I was glad it was over.
Day 30: Same at day 29.
Day 31: I had a vacation day.

Here are the rest of the bloggers who participated in the August Happiness Challenge:

Pretty Purple Princess (the originator of the challenge)
Big Orange Michael (found out about the challenge from him)
Southern Girl
Blue Grass Mama
Primo Donna - My Mom!!!
Call Me Grandma
Buzz Stuff

August 29, 2006

Way Cool!

I have put several of my designs on and slowly my items have sold. Not enough to get rich, but enough to give some to charity and splurge on myself.

Periodically Cafepress will send an email out highlighting themed items. This week they sent out an email for top selling football related items. One of my designs (which I admit I scammed somewhat) did not make it on the main email, but on the main page you go to from the link. It is the last one on the right. Way cool, huh?

August 28, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 28

I am happy since I make some really good chicken strips. My Oldest says we could start a restaurant. Dad would take the orders, I would cook, and they would deliver the food.

August 27, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 25, 26, & 27

Day 25: I was happy because it was Friday.

Day 26: I was happy because I did not have to work.

Day 27: I am happy since I spent almost the whole day lazily on my anti-MIL's couch.

August 23, 2006

Happiness Challenge Catchup

19th - I am happy the girls were good this week so that we could go out to eat.

20th - I am happy because I still love my bed.

21st - My 3 year blog anniversary was August 17th. I started out just blogging about Texas Football, but ended up blogging about much more. Initially my blog was totally my space and I mentioned family very little. Over time, I think I have turned into a "Mommy Blogger". But I love this hobby and what I have learned helping others design their blogs.

22nd - I am happy because I have a good life.

23rd - I am happy because peanut butter tastes very good.

24th - I am happy because Texas's first game is only 9 days away.

August 21, 2006

Scamming from other blogs

My fellow bloggers have been posting some great videos. Check them out below:

Magic at Xavier Thoughts

Military version of Office Space at RofaSix

Treadmill Dancing from Beth.

August 14, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 14

Happiness is having a job flexible enough to allow me to take my girls to school on the first day. Oldest will be starting 1st grade and Youngest will be in Kindergarten. And I get to sleep in!

August 13, 2006

Can You Help Remember?

Help remember the victims of 9/11. 2,996 is a project for bloggers. If you sign up, you will be assigned a person to remember from 9/11 on 9/11. As of this post, 1711 are taken, but that leaves quite a bit left. If you are interested - go here.

Happiness Challenge Day 13

My two beatiful girls make me very happy. Along with my anti-MIL's photography skills.

August 11, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 11

Today my post is not about something that makes me happy, but something that makes my Oldest happy. Today they spent the day with their Granny and Papa (my anti-InLaws). The painted, crafted, and painted some more. During the day Oldest told Granny, "Not everyone in my class has a Granny that is an artist and has all these art supplies!"

Other happy bloggers can be found here.

August 10, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 10

Knowing that tomorrow is Friday.

Happiness Challenge Day 9

My brother came over for dinner last night. It made me very happy.

August 08, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 8

A nice glass of sweet iced tea makes me happy!

Happy Bloggers

Below is a link to everyone I could find that is participating in the August Happiness Challenge. Please let me know if I missed anyone.

Pretty Purple Princess (the originator of the challenge)
Big Orange Michael (found out about the challenge from him)
Southern Girl
Blue Grass Mama
Primo Donna - My Mom!!!
Call Me Grandma
Buzz Stuff

August 07, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 7

Not only do I look very cool - my feet are VERY comfortable in these.

August 06, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 6

Today I am happy since my anti-MIL is helping me towards the path of domestication. She bought me a sewing machine for Christmas. Today she showed me how to hem some jeans that were to long. Next I will make pillows for the girls room and then whatever else comes to mind.

August 05, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 5

I am happy that I don't have same drama in my life as certain TV shows.

August 04, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 4

It pays off to take interest in people. About a month ago I was talking with a chic from another department. I discovered that she lives about a mile from me. Knowing my husband would be starting a new job in Fort Worth in a few weeks, I asked if she wanted to carpool. (No more carpooling with him.) Of course she said yes. We would both love so save money since it is about an hour drive and approximately 40 miles one way. I am so happy to have a new carpool buddy. And someone to talk to. Wooo hoooo!

August 02, 2006

Happiness Challenge Day 2

I am not sure how it got started but when I put my youngest to bed we have a new kissing sequence. I kiss each cheek then her lips. Then she kisses each of my cheeks and then my lips. Then we kiss each others cheeks at the same time (each side) and then on the lips. Oldest had heard us, so now she gets the same sequence. Try it one time and see if you can do it without giggling or smiling. I haven't yet. And that makes me happy.

August 01, 2006

August Happiness Challenge Day 1

I am happy today because of all my friends I have made through my blog. I love you guys!!!!!

July 31, 2006

If your happy.....

If your happy and you know it -
write a post!
If your happy and you know it -
write a post!
If your happy and you know it,
then your blog will surely show it!
If your happy and you know it -
write a post!!!!

Starting tomorrow is Big Orange Michael's August Happiness Challenge. Can you post about happiness, things that make you happy, etc? For a whole month? I double dog dare you!!!

Leave Michael a comment and he might even give you some linkage. And so will I!

July 11, 2006

I win!!!!

I win!!!!! From Shawn Lee about the Carnival of Recipes:

Next week the Carnival will be hosted by Trub. The Sediment of Life.: Trub gets the great honor of hosting our 100th anniversary celebration. Amy from Prochein Amy made the only suggestion for the anniversary - to submit your favorite recipe made from the Carnival - and since hers was the only one, she wins. (Yeah, Amy!) ;) If you remember, let us know whose recipe it was and any modifications you made. If no Carnival recipe springs to mind, feel free to just post your personal favorite recipe. The one that you look forward to making - and eating - yourself.

You can send recipes or links to by noon CST on Saturday.

I have to dig up my favorite. Do you have one?

July 09, 2006

Bus Assaults

Jack from Texas Music starts:

After a recent SWAT training session, my team sergeant and I were standing around, discussing types of scenarios we should focus our training resources on.

"Bus assaults," I said.

Read on here. Jack is one of my new additions to my blog roll and I have enjoyed his blog. Yuo can check out his other great posts here.

June 16, 2006

Funny of the Bloggers

If you are a blogger, this might make you laugh....

Hat tip to my Mom.

June 03, 2006

Tagged by CalTechGirl

I have been tagged for the other 5's meme by CalTechGirl. So here goes.....

5 things in my fridge....
- Cold cans of Extra Hot Rotel and various spicy sauces for the hubby. He eats rotel like salsa.
- Velvetta and rotel screaming out my name. My resistance will go down this evening, I am sure.
- Lemons for Oldest, she eats them like candy.
- Maple Syrup from the anti-In-Law's trip last fall.
- A mango to see if the girls like it. (They did, but I wish I had read this before I cut it up.)

5 things in my closet...
- 35% burnt orange clothing
- Christmas Decorations
- As you walk into the closet on the right is a wall space before the shelves start. It tended to collect junk, so I hung up two paintings. One of the view out my Grandparent's place in Arkansas. It is a snow scene with a blue tractor. Below that is a painting of my Dad holding me as a baby. Both were painted by my Aunt. I don't want to cover the pictures so I put stuff other places.
- Wrapping paper including the secret paper that only Santa Claus uses.
- A black cowboy hat that I wish my husband would wear more. (Hubba hubba)

5 items in my car....
I don't really have a car, WE have family cars.....
- Car seats that make the 4 door car really like a two seater
- A CD collection from Veggie Tales, Sam Cooke, Keith Urban, Queen, Meatloaf, Electric Light Orcestra and a few more.....
- A wide view mirror to see in the back seat. I really need one for both cars.
- Old parking tags for the Longhorn football games.
- A green stress ball (#2) that my husband uses when he drives. Heaven forbid he loses it!!!!

5 items in my purse....
- My makup since I put it on during the drive to work. Not when I am driving silly! My husband drives since we carpool.
- My digital camera
- I am testing out a bigger bag so I have all my paperwork, keys, change in a bank zip up bag. I usually carry a VERY small purse, but I found a burnt orange bag that is to die for!
- A mini bag with hair pick, mirror, lib balm, and fingernail clippers.
- A uncharged bluetooth headset for my blackberry. I never remember to keep it charged. Plus I feel like a geek wearing it. It is like the modern day pocket protector.

I am going to tag 5 people now and spread the silliness....

PrimoDonna (but I could probably do this one for her.....)

April 10, 2006

Blog Cramp

You know how you get a brain cramp and just can't think of something or think straight? The last few weeks I have been having blog cramps! Can't think of much to blog!


April 08, 2006

Handwriting Meme

I love looking at handwriting. In High School I read books about handwriting analysis. I may post on that in the future, but this post is on a meme created by Logtar. I found his idea on Big Orange Michael's blog.

He uses a panagram and asks us to write it and post it. Here is mine....


Let me know if you post one....

March 10, 2006

Quiz Around the Blogosphere

I decided to take a quiz since some of my favorite bloggers had. I thought I might get similiar results to CalTech Girl, Bou, and VW since I tend to take lead roles in job and other things. Scanning through their results and mine, it seem you have to be adventerous and willing to try new things to be a leader. Hmmm...

I ended up with.....

I can see that. I love telling people they are doing great. It also mentioned that I can be direct. People quickly learn that I tell it like it is. Mostly tactfully.

I noticed an interesting thing between the four of us. We all were very high in Confidence, Trust in Others, Earthy/Imagnative, and Agency. I cut and pasted the definition of these term below:

How confident you are about expressing your opinions and accomplishing things.

Trust in Others
The general faith you have in other people; how much you think people are good at heart.

Your prefererence for concrete or abstract things. Low means you prefer abstract, theoretical things. High means you prefer detail-oriented, practical things.

How much you believe you determine your own outcomes. High means you believe that you have control over your life. Low means you believe that other factors—such as chance, fate, and powerful others—influence your life.

I thought that was interesting, mostly on the Agency. I was not surprised with all the rest of them since it comes across in their blogging. But Agency? I don't think that is something easily conveyed in blogging. Unless you really think about what they mean by agency. Why would they use that term? Agency defined in the dictionary is not a direct correlation, but when you put both definitions together, it makes sense. I can see how Bou, VW, and CalTechGirl have affected their own outcomes. Is this a pattern of cool blogger chics?

March 09, 2006

Best Advice

Melinama posted about Penelope Illustrations's Best Advice Project. Her favorite is the last one on her post here. It is my favorite also. The funniest one is here. It would be well worth your time to look at all of them. They are full of good advice, humor, and great artwork and design.

February 21, 2006

Pot Roast Recipe Modified

This week's Carnival of Recipes is here. Below is my recipe for next week.

This recipe meets my requirements for easy and NO measureing. You can find it on several different websites and I don't know where I originally found it.

Soda/Cola/Pop* Crock Pot Roast (*whatever you call it!)

1 can a soda/cola/pop
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 package of onion soup mix

You cook it low 8 hours, high 4 - 6 hours. Voila! Yum!

The first time I tried with my "own" onion soup mix with seasoning I had on hand. Today I tried it with Campbell's French Onion Soup instead of the cream of mushroom and it was also yummy! I seasoned it with garlic powder, salt and pepper.

February 13, 2006

Cool thing coming....

Do you know how hard it is for me to keep a secret? I have only told 2 people about my current project. Luckily we are very close to telling it all!!!

February 04, 2006

Carnival of the Recipes - Chocolate

I bring you to the 77th Carnival of the Recipes. Chocolate is the theme this week and some threw in non-chocolate recipes. "Scientists reported preliminary evidence recently that cocoa and other chocolates may keep high blood pressure down, your blood flowing and your heart healthy." With that in mind, I am grouping the recipies by dose!

Single Dose

Milky Way Cake: I wonder if you can use a different kind of candy bar?

Riverbottom Pie: Currently unclassified by dose since the recipe is not up yet.

Double Dose

Double Chocolate Chewies - This is a good one since it has minimal measuring. You only need 1 measuring cup and the rest is dumped in if you buy it in the right package.

Dipped in Chocolate: I am putting this in the double section, but it could easily go triple....

Very Fat Fudge Cake: Double chocolate and double ways to make it. (This is the 6th chocolate recipe I have posted and my mouth is still watering.)

No Measure Fudge: Here is mine. It meets my no measure requirement and has double chololate! Yum!

Mandarin Orange Cake: Invented by a 12 year old.

Triple Dose

Extreme Chocolate Brownies/Godiva Chocolate Martini/Chocolate Swimsuit: Wow, Wow, and Wow!!!

Irish Cream Chocolate Cheesecake: Chocolate cookie crumbs, cocoa powder, and more cocoa powder.

Quad Dose

Chocolate Almond Chewies: Woooo weeeee!!! FOUR kinds of chocolate!!!

Triple-choc cookies: To be consistant with my counting of chocolate, this one has 4 versions of chocolate. Cocoa Power counts in my book.

Un-chocolate Recipes

Bow Down Before The Cheese That Cannot Die! - This one is so bad it is good.

Soup is good food - zuppa toscana Homemade version of a good soup at Olive Garden.

Super Bowl Chili Another minimal measuring one!!

Ham and Bean Soup for Morons: She gives us measurements, but I bet I could get away with just guesstimating!

Cajun Sausage and Gravy: Another minimal measuring recipe. I have hit the jackpot! And it is easy to make! Score again!

Pumkin Bread Pudding: This recipe calls for Turbinado sugar. Steamed sugar!!!

Mama's Stuffed Pizza Sandwich and Bread Strata: Two recipes that use frenchbread with a nice graphic to help you out.

Griilled Chicken Proscuitto: Almost no "offical" measuring.

Drive-by "Recipe": Enhance your coffee with this one.

Chicken Stuffed with Potatoes and Olives: Easy and it has capers. Love me some capers.

Spaghetti Tricolore: Check out his suggestion for whole wheat pasta. Hope I can get some around here.

Grilled Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich: I never thought of that! But grilled sounds great!

Danish Bacon: This sounds good and Martin is suggesting a Danish theme for the Carnival of the Recipes. Maybe he could host it!

Spicey Mussells: Punctilious only uses two cloves of garlic. Is that enough? And can he explain why you throw out the closed mussells?

Crockpost Pork Roast: Easy and again - no measuring!!!!


Physics Geek is on the schedule for next week as tentative. Send your recipes in by noon next Saturday to recipe(dot)carnival(at)

Thanks for the opportunity to host....

February 03, 2006

No Measure Fudge

(note: scroll to the bottom to bypass my ramblings, if is so pleases you!)

8:47 pm: Here is my recipe for the Carnival. I love making things that require little to no measuring. This one fits the bill and has chocolate. (Wait, you have never tried this one! How can you post it if you never tried it?)

8:48 pm: I gathered the ingredients. One 12 oz bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips and a tub of chocolate frosting. Dumped them in a bowl. No stirring needed.

8:50 pm: Put the bowl of stuff in the microwave. Set for 3 minutes. Check it out after 2 minutes. Pulled it out since the sides were bubbling. Stirred it until the rest of the chocolate was melted. Poured it into a 8X8 baking dish. Put in freezer. Set time for 10 minutes.

8:55 pm: Typed up what I just did. Piddled with some other things. 3 minutes left.

9ish pm: Timer goes off. Fudge not set, 10 more minutes in the freezer.

9:10ish pm: Still not set. I moved it to another freezer and it set better. Other than being kinda hard to cut nice neat squares, it is yummy! And I got a nod and a "pretty good" from the hubby.

Next Morning: It is easier to cut when it is room temprature.

So here is the recipe without ramblings:

Easy Fudge

1 - 12 oz package of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tub of chocolate frosting

Dump in bowl and microwave 2 - 3 minutes. Stir until all the chocolate is melted. Pour into an 8X8 dish. Put in freezer 10-30 minutes until set. If you can make it, cut after it is room temprature.

The varieties from this recipe are many. Add nuts. Use white chocolate or peanut butter chips. Or a different flavor of frosting.

Deadline for your chocolate recipe is noon on Saturday. More info here.

So Sad....

Right now I have two votes in the Best So Far ~ Blog Awards By and For the People at "Bloggin" Outloud"!

I don't expect to win, but it would be nice to get more than two votes. I will vote for myself and you get 3 votes per category, so that will take me up to 5!! If you want to have some pity on me, send an email to and say you want your three votes in the Personal Blog category to go to me!!!

They also moved the deadline to Midnight tonight!

January 31, 2006

Best So Far ~ Blog Awards By and For the People

A blog friend and design-ee nominated my blog in the Personal Blog category for Best So Far ~ Blog Awards By and For the People at "Bloggin" Outloud"! WOW!!!! My nomination even made it through a USC fan!

Ben of "Faith and Theology" in the running for Religous Blog category. (He is the one who nominated me.) I would have never found Ben's blog on my own since I am not that interested in the serious study of religion. He wanted some blog design help and took me up on my offer of free assistance. Some of his posts are over my head, but I have learned from his blog and enjoy reading about his favorite subject matter. So I will be voting for his blog! Which leads me to.....

How can you vote in this contest? Via email at by Sun, Feb 5th. I am going to check out the other nominations and may have some new blog roll additions. I also noticed a few other Munuvian out there.

Thank you in advance if you vote for me!

January 30, 2006

I'm the host, I'm the host!!!!

I love food, I love to share and I love to have people over. So hosting the Carnival of Recipes is great for me!!!

This week's Carnival of the Recipes is All About Chocolate!!! Just in time to prepare for Valentine's Day, huh? Have a chocolate recipe you want to share? Post it on your blog and send the link to recipe(dot)carnival(at) If you don't have a blog, just email the recipe. Deadline is Saturday at noon.

Update: Here is an blog post that my inspire you!

January 27, 2006

Read #3

My "scan" reading gave me a giggle when I read the results of this trivia generator tool. Look at #3:

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Prochein Amy!

  1. The horns of Prochein Amy are made entirely from hair!
  2. Antarctica is the only continent without Prochein Amy.
  3. Prochein Amy can smell some things up to six miles away!
  4. Prochein Amy will often rub up against people to lay her scent and mark her territory.
  5. Moles are able to tunnel through 300 feet of Prochein Amy in a day!
  6. It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to Prochein Amy!
  7. Prochein Amy is 1500 years older than the pyramids!
  8. Prochein Amy can squeeze her entire body through a hole the size of her beak!
  9. Prochein Amy is the only king without a moustache on the standard pack of cards!
  10. Plato believed that the souls of melancholy people would be reincarnated into Prochein Amy.
I am interested in - do tell me about

If you just read the first part of the sentence, it has a different meaning than the whole thing.

Prochein Amy can smell some things up .....

(trivia originally found at Bou's)

January 26, 2006

Cause I'm Joiner

This meme is going around and I have seen it everywhere. And since I have no good blog fodder, I will participate. This will be my only meme this year except for Blogcess!

Four Jobs I've Had In My Life:
Clerk at Baskin Robbins
Clerk at Seven-Eleven
Employment Interviewer
Computer Support

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over and Have:
The Iron Man
Pretty Woman
Usual Suspects
Batman - The Beginning

Four Places I have Lived:

Four TV Shows I love to Watch
(These shows powered by TIVO!!!)
American Idol (yikes! I love it!)
Extreme Makeover - Home Edition

Four Places I have been on Vacation
Wine Country
Martha's Vineyard
Hawaii (all the islands)

Four Websites I visit Daily ( I forgot to change Bou's answers originally)
My Blog to check.....
the most recently updated on my blogroll

Four Favorite Foods:
Velvetta with Rotel and beef with chips
40 Cloves of Garlic with a Chicken
Vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. Mixed together like soft serve.
Mexican food. This covers nachos, chalupas, burritos, etc. All of it. I could eat it every day.

Four Places I would rather be right now:
In bed asleep
A road trip with my family

This one was really hard. I have many vacation spots if that is what they are talking about, but nothing really comes to mind. I am just happy where I am. (wow!)

Four People I'm going to Tag
I won't tag anyone but here are the people I joined:
CalTechGirl, Bou, Sissy, VW, Napster, 3T, and Lisamichelle.

January 16, 2006

Here is my sign!

My sign was posted on Grouchy Old Cripple's blog on Saturday.

Note to Mom: This is a blog that Dad might like, but don't ask me why.....

January 14, 2006

Two Laughs at One Blog is worth a mention

Catching up on my blog reads and Kris made me laugh twice. Check it out here and then go here. Scroll past her beautiful picture to get to the funny stuff.

Carnival of the Recipes

I used to participate in the Carnival of the Recipes on a regular basis until I ran out of recipes. And then I got lazy about linking. Since I will be hosting in February, I better get back to it.

This week the carnival is hosted at "The Common Room" and I found a recipe that I want to try. It has quite a few of my favorite things in it....

Next week they are asking for tea or coffee recipes. The deadline for recipe submissions is Noon (Central Time) on Saturday. Send the link to your post or if you don't have a blog, just email the recipe to recipe-dot-carnival-at-neversendspam-gmail-dot-c0m. I don't have any tea or coffee recipes tucked away, but the following week's theme is "Potluck". That will be easy!!!

December 24, 2005

It's Blogcess #30

Again brought to you the one and only meme endorsed by Prochein Amy. One of the reasons I like it is no tagging...just linky love!!! Here we go, Blogcess #30!

Over the past week I've noticed more and more people have their houses decorated for Christmas. I love to decorate – - this week's "It's Blogcess" is about decorating for the holidays.

1) Do you agree with the phrase – - The more lights the better?


2) If you answered yes, why? If you answered no, why?

I like simple and easy. Leaning more towards the easy!

3) When did you put up your Christmas tree?

We put our tree up the 2nd Saturday in December. We have no set date, just as our schedule and my anti-Father In Law permits since we need his truck to pick up the tree.

4) The final touch to any Christmas tree is the topper – - What do you put on the top of your tree?

We have a star that is just like one my husband had growing up. He found one two years ago on eBay and mostly paid for the sentimental value.

5) Time to spread some "Blogcess" linky love. Here are a few blogs full of holiday cheer:

Rocket Jones

Want to learn more about Blogcess?
Click here

December 14, 2005

It's Blogcess #29 - Uh, where is everyone?

Not many fans this week of Uptown Girl's topic for Blogcess. But since this is the one and only meme endorsed by this blog, I'm game. But I can certainly understand the lack of participation. As I read over the questions, I realize that I really don't know how I feel about the death penalty. I am split on the whole thing. I know people should be accountable for what they do, but they should also be forgiven. So with this week's meme, I am going to put my logic hat on and try to keep my emotions out of my answers.


Over the past week or so there has been so much in the news about Stanley "Tookie" Williams and whether he should be executed or not. We now know he was executed last night and it brought up some interesting questions. (at least I think it did) This week's "It's Blogcess" is about your opinion on executions.

1) Was justice served by executing Stanley "Tookie" Williams? Yes.

2) Why or why not? Your actions have repercussions. People have to be held accountable for what they do.

3) What message do you think his execution sends to the masses? It is wrong to kill someone and you will be punished.

4) Do you support capital punishment across the board or just in specific cases? Explain. I don't know enough about capital punishment to answer this question. The system is not perfect and as long as humans are invovled there will be mistakes and wrong doings. But thinking of other ways it could work, we have it pretty good. We get a trial, our laws are general applied to all, and our fates are not decided by one ruler, dictator, or regime.

5) Do you think it should take years to execute an inmate on death row? I think this is a good compromise. It gives plenty of time to make sure they are guilty, thus placating the liberal leaners. Yet the end result is the same.

6) If you could change the laws surrounding prisoner executions – - what would it or they be? I have little clue when it comes to this also.

7) Time to spread some "Blogcess" links. Here are a few of my favorite political blogs:

Right Rainbow
Day by Day
The Common Virtue
Cox & Forkum

December 13, 2005

15 Things She Likes about Christmas

My Mom is sharing 15 things she likes about Christmas on her blog. Today she will that the 13th thing. That means there are only 13 days until Christmas! bah!

December 12, 2005

It has nothing to do with content....

I *know* the reason that VW of One Happy Dog Speaks was nominated for Best Parenting Blog. Her graphics, done by moi! Has nothing to do with her great content, Wednesday Humor, or cute pictures. It's all about the graphics...yep, that's the ticket!!!

Sooo, if you are a fan of my graphic work go vote for VW every 24 hours - HERE!

December 09, 2005

Blogcess 28

Blogcess is the one and only meme endorsed by Prochein Amy! This week she pulls from one of my favorite shows, Inside the Actor's Studio. And she takes my favorite part and makes it a meme.

Check out her post here. If you decide to participate, link back to her.


I really like the show "Inside the Actors Studio". James Lipton does great interviews and I enjoy most all of his guests. One part of the show I enjoy most is the last portion where he always asks the same ten questions – - I thought it would be fun to ask you those same ten questions for "It's Blogcess" – - Here we go!

1. What is your favorite word? – - Love

2. What is your least favorite word? – - bastard

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? – - Music (Just like Uptown Girl)

4. What turns you off? – - Unfairness

5. What is your favorite curse word? – - Shit

6. What sound or noise do you love? – - Listening to my husband talk. It is even better when it is from another room. I can't understand what he is saying, but I can hear the deep tones.

7. What sound or noise do you hate? – - When my husband reconciles our accounts in Quicken, it makes a "cha-ching" noise when he enters a new entry or reconciles it. When I heard that noice, it meant that bad news may be coming. Even though that is not the case now, the noise still makes me cringe.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? – - If I had a singing voice, singer.

9. What profession would you not like to do? – - Road Kill Picker Upper

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? – - HELLLLLLLOO!!!!! (just like I like to say it!)

11) It's time to spread some "It's Blogcess" linky love?

The Psychology of Combating Stress, Depression & Addiction (My newest blog roll addition)

Trying to Grok

November 27, 2005

Wooo hoooo!

Here are some recent posts that I like:

Some Days #33

Thank you #1

Thanks you #2

November 21, 2005

Feedback Please

For the past month or so, I tried to get a side business going. I did not put much into it and things out of my control helped it fizzle out. I am looking to make just a few extra dollars to fund getting my nails done on a regular basis and paying for Weight Watcher meetings.

And I keep coming back to blog design. I am working on someone's site now who mentioned I should make it a business. Since I can't do it full time and would find it somewhat difficult to deal with alot of volume and hard deadlines, I was thinking of going with the "cheap pricing but you get it when it is done" business model. Not that it would take 3 months to get a design done, but if something comes up with my family and day job, it will come first.

My pricing would be something like this:

$ 25: Basic Blog: Includes graphics, section headers, basic template customization
$ 15: Graphics only: Headers and section headers
$ 10: Header Only
I would offer additional services like install plugins, major cutomization, or anything special at rates similiar to above depending on the task.

Looking at other blogs designers, their services range from $50 to $200. I also don't think I am at the level to charge those prices. Not yet! But my target is the casual blogger who just wants a nice blog that is personal.

What do you think? Would you consider it cheap? To those I have worked on before, would you have paid the prices above or just dealt with the blog you had? Any feedback would be appreciated!

Note to those bloggers I am currently helping, don't worry, I won't ask for money. Just mulling it over.

November 20, 2005

Blogcess 26

Uptown Girl's meme has been on haitus since she no longer has high speed internet. But she has decided to bring it back occasionally. I am excited since I always liked her meme's. And that is saying alot since I don't like meme's. So I bring you the one and only meme endorsed by Prochein Amy!


It has been a long time since I posted an "It's Blogcess" and there have been a few of you who have asked me if I'd start them up again. I'm not sure that I'll be posting them every week, in fact I can say I won't – - instead I'll post them now and then.

So without further ado I present "It's Blogcess – 26" – - Let's make it an easy one to get back into the groove of things.

1) Do you use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning?


2) What time do you set it for?

4:32 am

3) Do you hit the snooze button? If so how many times?

Yes. Only once. I have set the time to allow me one hit. Unless I have something extra to do that morning.

4) Have you ever abused an alarm clock?

No, but I gave one away. Does that count?

5) It's "time" to spread some "It's Blogcess" linky love?

Eureka Blyth
April Fool
From My Position

Want to learn more about "Blogcess":
Click here.

November 07, 2005



October 29, 2005

I love love.

"Letter to My Wife" Hat tip to tryingtogrok.

J and B

"Father-Daughter Picnics Aren't Just For 7 Year Olds"

In Case You Were Wondering

I'm a cartoon character. Read the comment from her husband John.

October 07, 2005

Speedy-Mini Bloggy Meetup

With planning, yesterday Sissy drove from Atlanta, GA to Fort Worth on her way to Arizona. She called when she was in Dallas thinking she was real close, but she had to go to Fort Worth. So if she tells you she drives fast and average 80 mph, believe her!

Since it was way past the girls dinner time we went on to the restaurant and Sissy arrived later. I kept watching the door, thinking of her post about her short haircut. So I am looking for a chic with blondish short - Hallie Berry like hair. You know like a boy. Like she said. If she had not called as she was coming in the door, it probably would have taken me awhile to figure out it was her. But I just have to say.....

Sissy! PUUUUULEASE!!! You do not look like a boy! And your hair is nothing close to a guy cut. It looks good!!! I think it is even longer than mine.

It all worked out since the restaurant brings your food out fast and it gave us more time to visit. And to add to the pot, my Mom and Dad had flown in from their vacation and were able to eat with us. Sissy got to meet two bloggers!

This may sound funny, but Sissy matches the aura that comes from her blog. She is even more funny, nice, and cool in person. And to me it felt like we were old friends, and I guess you could say that we are since we have been reading each others blogs for awhile. My Mom was asking Sissy questions and I was able to explain some things from what I had read in the past. I am glad that Sissy understands this whole blogging friendship thing, cause I could see it freaking someone out. She showed the girls a picture of Kiki and said she would bring her the next time she visits. Youngest even went out of her way to give Sissy a hug. It was so cute!!!!

Sissy had to get some studing done and the girls needed to get to bed. I hope the next time we get together we have more time to visit.

Thanks, Sissy, for going out of your way and making time to visit!

October 02, 2005

Word of the Week at Sissy's

Sissy has turned over her blog to a few of us while she is moving. She has been very busy and had put the Word of the Week on the back burner. But I have brought it back this week with an apropos word. Check it out and see if you can participate.

September 14, 2005

Taking over the internet

Google now has a blog search engine at

Looks pretty neat....

September 06, 2005

Funky Template

My apoligies if my template looks funny. I am messing with different ways to do the columns. This one looks fine on my home pc, but overlaps on my work pc.

UPDATE: I fixed it by making my section graphics smaller. Does it look good to you? Is your resolution 800x600?

August 27, 2005

August Happiness Challenge

Only a few days left. This happiness post is mostly for me, but you may get a giggle out of his....

Happiness is.... uh... hubba hubba!

New Home

When we bought our house, we still had a month left on our rent house. So we had more time to move everything while living in the new place. We would go back to the old place to get stuff and move it on over. This is what I am doing now.

My new home is at So for awhile there will be boxes around here and links back to the old blog. Eventually I will move all in, but it is nice to have the luxury of moving slow...

And since the Football season is very close, this blog is renamed to "Texas Football Novice" with a very burnt orange Texas theme! Hook 'em!!!

August 26, 2005

Interested in a Fantasy Football League?

Big Orange Michael has set up a fantasy football league that is free and has the potential to be fun.? I have never done one of these, but since these guys are cool, it would be a good way to learn.? Big Orange Michael's post about it is here?with full details.

Oh ya, happiness is trying new things!

January 01, 2003

About Me!

What? Amy, chic, wife of a University of Texas football fanatic and the smartest man on earth, mother of two beautiful girls, worker of the Computer Support industry, lover of music, reading, and people. Not a nerd, but I was in a former life.

Where? I grew up an Army Brat. Born in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, then to Fort Hood, TX, on to Frankfurt, Germany, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, and then back to Fort Hood, TX. Moved to Fort Worth to further my education. (Not really, it was purely love.) I have lived the longest in my current house - 6 years.

When? 33 years and counting.

Why? Blogging is cool. I love sharing with people. I also want to be able to read my blog years from now and see how I have changed. And to document the Texas Football games I attend.

Why call my blog Prochein Amy? All of my nicknames or pet names do not really apply to me now and I was sick of them. So I did a search on for amy. I found the entry for Prochein ami. Hey, that's me! Your next friend. And why does it apply? Honestly, I am way too nice. People who know me, know that if you don't get along with me and I am unable to get along with you, you don't get along with anybody!! (Well maybe someone, but not very many.)

\Pro"chein\, a. [F. prochain, fr. L. (assumed) proximanus, fr. proximus.] Next; nearest.
Prochein ami or amy(Law), the next friend. See under Next.

How do I blog? By typing. (OK, smarty answer, but I did not know what else to say.)

Update (5/05): I have given my Mom the ability to post, so every once in awhile you will see one from her (Donna). She now has her own blog at

In the extended entry is 100 Things About Me!

Continue reading "About Me!" »


I have mucho fun helping people with their blogs, designing headers, and anything else they need help with. Many people have asked for a button to put on their site, but I was unsure about it. Part of me is embarassed by it. It seems like I would be bragging to much or seem like I am wanting attention. And maybe so, I do like to hear the nice things people say about the stuff I do. So I will go with it.

I was not really crazy about just putting my Blog name. Who would really know why the button was there? Then the other day I was "Complemented". The Complementer offers buttons for your website stating "I have been complemented." So I spun off of that with collaborate. It means "To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort. " And that is what I do. Not totally doing the site, but augmenting it.

So if I have helped with your blog and you want to give me credit, you can use the button below and link to this post.

If you have a blog that you want help with, email me. I would love to put together a header and section headers if you like. I now have WordPress and MovableType under my belt, so if you want site design help, let me know. I don't want to turn this into a business, since it takes away the fun. But if I ever do, you will be helping me with my "portfolio".

Listed below are blogs that I have helped with.

Continue reading "Collaboration" »