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November 02, 2005

The Art of Dentistry

Yesterday I got my new crown to replace my broken tooth. They fit me in since I was on vacation and since I had swallowed the temporary cap on Saturday. They did not have to numb my tooth, but I am amazed! They sent a picture of my tooth to the place that made the crown. And they matched my other teeth and coloring. It looks good for being a fake. And the way they put it in, it does not stick out as much. They could not make it all the way straight. Braces will have to do that. The only bad thing is now I am stuck with that color since over the counter whitners will not work on it. I have thought about putting before, broken, and fixed pictures up, but my teeth are not anything to brag about. They are kinda yellow and uneven. Nothing hideous, but, well.. you will just have to trust me, they did a GREAT job.

Posted by on November 2, 2005 08:55 PM |


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