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December 25, 2006

Mooooooon Sand!

Yesterday we celebrated Oldest's 7th birthday. She had her ears pierced on Friday and showed them off at the party. We meet at THE best Mexican restaurant in town. I think she picked it mostly because she wanted the waitstaff to sing to her and "make" her dance. We invited some families with kids in her class. And all of our families made it. After lunch we went to our house for ice cream cake. Yum! The present she was the most excited about was my least favorite.

Moon Sand. OMG! She begged to play with it that day.

"No, it is to messy."

"It does not say that in the commercial. It is like the beach without the mess."

"I don't think so."

Then later the commercial was on and she made sure I heard the part talking about no mess.

Soooo..... yesterday I let her play with it. We started out with both the girls. They were fighting over it. So I let Oldest play for 10 minutes and I used the timer. Then Youngest went for 10 minutes.

I have to admit that it was easier to cleanup than Play-doh. At least you can sweep up the sand, while Play-doh sticks to everything. As long as they don't play with it to long, the mess should be reasonable.


Posted by on December 25, 2006 09:03 AM |


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