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November 14, 2005

Must. Control. Fist.

Luckily I had to check my work email tonight. Why is it lucky? I very rarely check it, but had to get some work done tonight and the data I needed was in an email. Ya, but why is that lucky? I had expected to be up until after 10 pm to check some servers after a patch install by a co-worker. Since it is a critical system, I need to make sure it is working. But since I check my mail, I notice one from him letting me know he was already done and I could do my part.

Do you think that made me happy?


But I would have been even less happy if I had called him at 10 unaware of his email. So I will let it just slide off my back and go off to bed for sweet dreams.

Ya, I wish it was easier than that. Must. Control. Fist. and Must. Calm. Down. before. morning. please.

Posted by on November 14, 2005 10:15 PM |


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