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September 01, 2003

1st game, Sunday August 31st vs. New Mexico State @ Austin. Texas wins 66 - 7

First quarter was scary. I was nervous that we were back on the roller coaster ride again. But after they got out of that funk, it was back to good. The brought in Vince Young 3rd quarter and he was great. But now everyone will be grumbling when Mock does bad to bring in Young. They will not keeping in mind that he was playing against a very tired and less than average team. That is what ruined Chris. I hope that Mack Brown and staff do all that they can to avoid any quarterback controversy. I do not understand people booing players on their own team, like they did Chris Simms. I do not understand how people could say that Applewhite was better than Simms, when he made bad plays all the time. I bet that Applewhite fans are democrats. They are blind or choose not to see the bad in a President who lies. They choose not see the bad in a Police chief who takes bribes, does not obey direct orders, had a personal driver on staff despite budget and salary cuts. They choose not to see a quarterback who also can throw interceptions, has a weak arm, and may have stats worse than the other. (I am by no means a stats person, I could not even tell you what the quarterback rating was based on.) But when it came down to it, Simms had to always know in the back of his mind that he did not have the full support of the majority of Texas fans, had to know that he would/could be pulled at any mistake to be replace. I don't care how iron-clad you are, that has to affect you in some way, especially when you are a young college student. He was never given a chance by many because they felt he had a silver spoon in his mouth. They just assumed he had an easy ride. Just like all the democrats are assuming the Dallas police chief was fired because of race. Both are quite the opposite. Chris probably had to work hard his whole life to get around his name. Bolton had it easy and was given more opportunities because he was black. Take away the family name and the color and you would have two totally different situations.

Posted by on September 1, 2003 08:17 PM |


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