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August 17, 2003


A few weeks ago we went to see Coach Brown when he was in town for a HS Coaches thing. The Texas Exes had an evening event. Most of it was football "babble", but what I took away from it is this.... (novice viewpoint) I think we will do really good this year for a simple reason. Coach Brown has attitude. He was very tactful, but very expresive in is disatifaction with "fans" never happy and not seeing the big picture. Some guy asked about something and quoted some stats and Coach Brown came back with something like "Don't throw stats at me, I know stats, they are my job and blah, blah, blah*. (*football babble) Oh, so what does his attitude have to do with the team doing well? If he has attitude, then he knows we have good players and is confident that we will do well. He knows that anything he says may come back to haunt him. Now my husband was there and I am sure he has a totally different view point but he is has more football education than I do!!!

Posted by on August 17, 2003 08:09 PM |


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