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October 24, 2007

Rings of Fire

I flew into southern California on Sunday night with bad turbulence. Winds from Santa Ana came down the mountains and gained more speed. Some up to 100 mph. These winds contributed to the wildfires.


To get to a company plant we drove through a mountain range affected. We were able to see the fires and the highway we were on was shut down at one point.

As a result of the strong winds there were several semi-trailers blown over on their sides. Trees knocked down and debris all over. Some of the dust was blown around so much that it looked like smog. Ashes were in the air like a light snow. And outside was smoky, not like a bar, but like it is when you walk through or by a smoking area.

The second day when we drove up to the Victorville area, on the ocean side of the mountains, we initially though we got tar on the rental. But then we saw some fires still smoldering on the side of the road, up to the very edge. I figure it may have been blown residue from fire retardant.

I talked with a couple that was evacuated from their home with no clue on the condition of their home. I could see the worry on their faces.

Today when we left the winds had died down. I hope this makes a big difference in fighting the fires.

My thought go to all those affected by the fire.

Posted by on October 24, 2007 06:28 PM |


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