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October 10, 2007

The Gift of Bean Dip

The other day a colleague of mine was snacking on a small can of bean dip and chips. I mentioned how I had given up bean dip when I was watching my weight.

She replied “It’s really not that bad for you. It has lots of protein and a can only has 7 grams of fat.”

Me: “Really?”

“It’s BEANS, Amy!”

Me: “Oh.” I pause as it sinks in......


Really – she is right. I bought a can the other day and looked at the nutritional information. On Weight Watchers the regular size can is 5 points. A frozen dinner is usually 7 to 8 points. Weeeeee!!!!

Posted by on October 10, 2007 09:35 PM |


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And they'll help clear your system;) Your post is kind of an interesting idea of "food myths" and things that we might think are good/bad and are actually the opposite. One that always comes up to me is someone that thinks they're being "good" and then orders a chicken caesar salad -- you can have a steak and baked potato for those calories/fat.

How's WW going for you? I had a lot of success my first time but I haven't been good with it after the fact.

Posted by: Becky | October 15, 2007 06:20 PM