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September 19, 2007

Opponent Summary - Rice

Texas will play Rice University in Austin on Saturday.

Here is the summary:

Owls. Their main mascot has been named Sammy. The story goes like this:
An early symbol of Rice's athletic teams was large canvas owl, a tempting target for the Institute's rivals. In 1917, when students from Southwest Conference football rival Texas A&M kidnapped the owl, Rice students pooled their resources and hired a private detective to go to College Station to find the missing mascot. When the detective, having recovered the owl, sent a coded telegram to Houston that read "Sammy is fairly well and would like to see his parents at eleven o'clock," the Rice mascot had a name. - pulled from RiceOwls.com

Blue and Grey

In 1912, Rice's first president, Edgar Odell Lovett, chose as the school colors "a blue still deeper than the Oxford blue" and "the Confederate gray, enlivened by a tinge of lavender." It has been suggested that blue and gray were chosen in recognition of the fact that Rice's founder amassed much of the fortune that formed the initial endowment of the Rice Institute by trading with both the North and the South during the Civil War.

Houston, Texas

Main rival

The only reference I can find is A&M. Maybe because of this story.

Unique traditions

Rice has The MOB.

More interesting stuff here and here.

Posted by on September 19, 2007 07:42 PM |


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