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June 26, 2007

Where did that card come from?

I had a"Ah Ha!" moment today. I wanted something done in relation to my group that in the past we were denied. And I felt for a stupid reason. So when we were able to come up with a solution that I thought all parties would like, I presented my want to management. Realizing I was on the path of getting the same answer as last time a thought crossed my mind. I don't ask for much. I do what is requested of me and plus some. I am not demanding except in my expecation that you do your part. My want was very small and trivial, but by golly, I wanted it. So I pulled that card. It was like I didn't even know I had it and all of a sudden it was in my hand.

And it worked. I think. Well, I will let myself think that.

Posted by on June 26, 2007 07:46 PM |


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hmmm. it's that always the truth --- we work hard & long and yet, we are still afraid to ask for anything...

Posted by: jana | June 27, 2007 09:52 AM