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June 18, 2007

One of My Favorite Movies

"The Usual Suspects" Wide Screen version is on sale. Or you can get the "Special Edition" DVD from Amazon.

"......the film is consistently ranks in the Top 20 on the Internet Movie Database. It was also voted as having the best plot twist, beating out "The Sixth Sense", "The Crying Game", and "Witness for the Prosecution" in an IMDb poll." - Wikipedia

OMG! I edited the entry on Wikipedia! There was a grammatical error in the text I quoted. I left it as is on my blog, but fixed it on Wikipedia. How cool is that?!?!?! Waaaay!!!!

Posted by on June 18, 2007 08:24 PM |


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Love that film. I haven't sen it in ages, though.

Posted by: Allan | June 18, 2007 09:40 PM



You rock!

Posted by: Christina | June 19, 2007 07:23 AM


Easily one of my top 10 favorite films. I saw this in the theater my senior year of college:) One thing that was so great about seeing this film is that none of the secrets of the plot twist had come out yet, so it really was a complete surprise. With others like The Crying Game or even The Sixth Sense, there was way too much buzz that there even was a plot twist, so you kind of spend the movie looking for it instead of just enjoying it (and I'd figured out The Crying Game well before the big reveal).

Posted by: Becky | June 26, 2007 11:43 AM