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December 30, 2006

Apples to Apples

Tonight we played Apples to Apples Junior. The girls received it as a gift for Christmas. In this game everyone gets 5 red apple cards, then one person as a judge picks a green apple card. Everyone else has to choose on of their cards that they think the judge will pick as the closest to the green card on the table. For example, the green card could be painful. Red cards closely matching this might be "Getting stitches", "a broken leg", or "high heels". The red cards go from fictional characters, famous people, things you do, to everyday items.

One of the green cards picked was "Frightening". My husband put down "Mary Kate and Ashley".

Another was "Mysterious". Husband was the judge. I picked "Hammer Head Sharks". I can't remember what my oldest picked. I peeked at Youngest's cards to help her out. I pointed to one and said "You WILL win with this one. Especially since your Dad is the judge!"

She put down "Girlfriends".

Bou has some gaming fun also!

Posted by on December 30, 2006 07:51 PM |


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