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August 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Here is an entry from last year on my old blog. Everything still applies but the age. I think it is worth repeating.


Today you turn 60. But you don't seem 60 years old. You seem so young to me. Not that 60 is old, or anything. Today I would like to tell you why I am glad you are my Dad. You gave me a great sense of humor. You taught me to accept others. I don't remember you ever saying a mean thing about anyone. Your teasing gave me thicker skin. (Not literally!) When I asked you not to tease me, you wouldn't. You let me skip on Senior Skip Day. You tried to teach me to drive a stick, but realized when to give up. You came to all of my extra-curricular activities. Sometimes you and Mom were the only parents there. You supported me in things I wanted to do, even if you did not totally agree. You still buy me dinner, even if I can pay. If you could help me, you would.

I remember one time when I was around 8 or so, we were at a late party. You let me sit in your lap and lay my head on your chest. I remember listening to your voice, but not what you were saying, while falling half asleep. It was such a nice feeling.

I remember you coming home from work and calling my friends and I "boys". It still makes me laugh.

I remember in Hawaii driving places with just me and you. I loved our converstations with just us. I still enjoy "car talking."

I remember asking you why you let me date G.I.'s in High School. You told me "I used to be one, so how could I say you can't date them?"

I remember you in at the hospital when both the girls were born. It was nice that you were there as long as they let you stay.

You have always treated me with respect, love, and care.

You are a great Grandpa.

I love you, Dad. Happy Birthday!

Posted by on August 14, 2006 08:04 PM |


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What a beautiful present, and tribute.

Posted by: Call Me Grandma | August 15, 2006 08:18 AM