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July 26, 2006

Feeling pretty

I do not like to fuss to much with my appearance and would prefer to make things simpler. But simple does not always make you feel pretty. And most women want to feel pretty at some time. Over the years I have noticed things that help me feel pretty. I like how my hair falls into my face and I have to brush it away. I like wearing long flowing skirts. Prom dresses and my wedding dress also did the trick.

Jewelry is good. Right after you get your haircut and the hair dresser has it all spiffy.

The most recent thing I have done to make myself feel pretty is having artificial nails put on. Usually my nails are short since I tear them off. With the nails on I find myself moving my hands different. My pinkie raises up more and not just when I am drinking out of a tea cup. I even enjoy just looking at them.

What make you gal's feel pretty?

Posted by on July 26, 2006 08:43 PM |


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I can think of several things: wearing makeup, having a good-hair day, wearing clothes that make me look slimmer, and having a tan.

Posted by: PrimoDonna | July 27, 2006 06:49 AM


I felt *very* pretty the other day after a haircut and a pedicure . . . it all made me want to do give myself a facial and wear jewelry and makeup (which I don't wear much of in the summer . . . the heat, you know!). It's nice feeling like a girl for a change. :-)

Posted by: Billie | July 27, 2006 08:38 PM