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June 15, 2006

Another Day, Another Project

Again I am on another "Special" project. This project entails replacing a vital application at my company. It also entails making major changes, major personalities, and major complainers.

Today we came to a fork in the road and had to look at our choices. We wrote down the pros and cons and came to a collective descision. We were able to logically make a choice that was not initially agreed on by all. I had done exercises similar to this in training classes and thought it might be just a silly exercise. But when we were using the brainstorming/pro/con thing, I actually got excited. This stuff actually applies to real life and had real life application. WOW! And the scariest part? I got goose bumps just thinking about it.....

Posted by on June 15, 2006 06:10 PM |


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