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March 23, 2006

The New Lady

New lady at work. She has requested quite a few things that most new and existing people never ask for. Specific types of office supplies and other misc. things. But she really blew a few of us away when she asked for some shelves in the ladies room to place her stuff when she was in the bathroom. First of all, why would you want to leave your stuff on a shelf out side the stall? We have bathrooms that have public access. You can not put a shelf in both stalls since one of them is barely big enough for a person. The other one already has a chair in it. This bathroom has been this way for the 7 years I have been there and no one has ever pointed out that need.

What would you take with you? Notepad from a meeting? Set it on the counter or chair. Purse? Take it with you and hang it on the hook or set it in the chair. Very seldom at work do I have anything on me when I make a trip to the bathroom.

What about you? Do you need a shelf in your workplace* bathroom?

*I know Stay At Home Mom's need shelves in theirs......

Posted by on March 23, 2006 09:27 PM |


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I can't think of anything personal that I would need or want to keep in a public area. But maybe she wants a shelf for air freshner, dishwashing detergent, kleenex, comb and brush, or a place to put her dishes from lunch.

Posted by: PrimoDonna | March 24, 2006 07:05 AM


Weird. I have a desk, see. That's where MY things go. Including certain personal female items which fit nicely in a pocket....

Posted by: caltechgirl | March 24, 2006 01:36 PM