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February 19, 2006


Ever have to make a choice that you know either way it is not good? The weather is very cold here with a little rain. Right now the roads are fine, but come 6 pm and on it will get colder. And all the rain and melted ice will freeze again. Making travel interesting. I had the first session of my training today at 2:30 but elected not to go because of this. I would be driving home around 9pm. Part of me is ok with this, but the other part of me is worried. I will miss orientation and a dinner. Even if I skipped out on the dinner, orientation/first session will be over at 6 when the freezing should start. This week is very intense, the sessions build on each other, and we are tested on the subject matter. I don't want to be struggling.

Bah! I am sick because I want to be seen at a good participant. This is a male dominated company, so I fear being thought of as a wuss. I imagine them saying "She did not want to risk the ice! Hump! I would have had no problem."

And they have rooms at the convention available even if you live in the area. I could pack up and stay and miss the drive home. But the girls need to be taken to school the next day. I had not planned this. We already planned for me to take the girls in and for him to leave really early to get off early since I will be home late. Make sense? It is a balance and planning deal. The day care closes at 6pm and they charge an ARM AND A LEG fee if you are even 1 minute late. So with accidents and traffic, my husband needs to leave early to come home early. If he took them in the morning we run the risk of the ARM and a LEG late fee. I know I am probably confusing you, but we have it planned to work and staying overnight is not part of it.

If I had an accident that damaged my car or me, I would have to deal with that guilt and the "I told you so" of my hubby.

Luckily when I called the Training Manager to let him know my concern, he gave me an out and simply said "I guess we will see you in the morning." Made me feel better, but I still don't like it.

I am not going to enjoy the rest of my evening with my worry about it all, but even if I went I would probably be in the same condition. Balancing work, life and family is not easy and icy roads do not help.

Update at 10pm - I just read this on a locate traffic site: Fort Worth PD is Reporting all Highways are iced over. Side streets are bad. Stay off roads if possible. Not sure when this was posted, but I would probably just getting home now.

Posted by on February 19, 2006 03:03 PM |


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I remember icy roads in Texas and you are not supposed to go on them, under any circumstances. They are far too dangerous, since the infrastructure isn't set up to sand or salt them. It's would like intentionally driving in front of a drunk.

Posted by: Becky | February 21, 2006 10:34 PM