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February 12, 2006

Because that is what I do!

Before you read on, keep this little bit of information in mind. If I go anywhere new or take a route not very often, it is GUAR-AN-TEEEED that I will get lost. My husband has a rule when we go places, either we have a map/written directions or HE knows where we are going. Even with maps/directions, I STILL get lost. Now on with the story....

At the In-Law's they have a keyboard that has a microphone. The girls like to interview us and to be interviewed. Today I "interviewed" Oldest about the birthday party we went to on Saturday. She answered my questions, like "How many times did you ride the pony?" or "What did you do after you ate cake?". Luckily no one was around when she started asking me questions. Right off the bat she hit a soft spot.

"How many times did you get lost going to the party?"

Darn it, kid, I already told you that is just what I do!

Update: We were only 3 minutes late in spite of getting "turned around" two times. I have learned to add in "travel" time!

Posted by on February 12, 2006 11:27 PM |


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We used to have that problem at my house too. The solution? My gal got an Acura with a GPS system. She never, ever gets lost any longer. In fact she has managed to leave the house and drive direct to her meeting 4 states away in a city she has never before been to. It is worth every penny!

Posted by: NOTR | February 14, 2006 11:15 PM