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February 06, 2006

Tip to Football Square Participant

If you win a quarter and I don't bring by your winnings in the morning, calling me 4 times is not going to make me come by faster. If you decide to come down to get it, please have the patience to wait until I am done with my JOB and don't make me have to reach around people (in my tiny office that I share with someone else) who are there for work reasons because you are too lazy to take a few steps forward. Isn't it obvious I am stretching out as far as I can to hand you the envelope?

Just saying.

And just saying I won't be visiting her around the next Super Bowl.

My apoligies for the run on sentence, but jeez! Can you tell I am not happy?

Posted by on February 6, 2006 08:22 PM |


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