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January 10, 2006

After the Rose Bowl

Despite being on our feet since 8 am that morning, the walk back to the train station, then our car, did not seem so bad. Despite sore feet, legs and backs, no one wanted to complain.

When we got back to our car, we stopped to visit with CalTechGirl. I figured it would be crazy to come that far to borrow part of her street and not meet. Luckily she agreed. We visited with her and her husband. Made friends with her dog. Talked about the highlights of the game and they answered some questions about things we could not see from our seat.

We were starving, so we followed them to an IHOP that was closed. WHAT?!?!?! A IHOP not open 24 hours?!?!!? Luckily there was another place and it is a good thing we were with locals. We probably would not have found it on our own.

The company was great and we got to learn more about their USC tradions and history. And a little more about Mr. and Mrs. CalTechGirl.

We found out way to drop our friends off and back to our hotel by 2:30 am. With a 6:45am flight, my husband did not even try to get any sleep. I dozed for about an hour or so. Nothing spectacular about our flight home, except there were lots of other Longhorns on the same flights. And they were happy like us.

Posted by on January 10, 2006 06:04 PM |


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