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December 22, 2005


Several factors led to a certain event yesterday.

1. I am cheap. I don't like to spend more than $30 on an outfit.
2. I like to shop at Wal-mart.
3. The holiday snackage is catching up with me.

Sooo, as I am getting out of the car at work... I hear this ripping noise. And feel some cool air on my bottom. My jeans ripped!!! Between the left side pocket and the middle seam in the back. I live an hour away, so driving home to change real quick in not a good option. Plus this was my only good pair that fit good. See #3 above, why spend more money on jeans that won't fit once I lose some pounds.) Plain, untouched, sturdy jeans are hard to find. Most jeans are pre-worn out with some kind of dye job that I am conviced makes the lifespan of jeans shorter.

Luckily I have my warm pancho on that is long. I come in early, so the only other co-worker in is a really cool lady. She taped my pants with packing tape while laughing the whole time. She loaned me a long sweater since my pancho would make me sweat in the office. I made it through a morning meeting, then ran to a Target nearby and bought some new jeans.

But who knows how long these will last. I paid about double of what I usually pay at Wal-mart (still on sale!). These are the same pre-worn out, dyed, unsturdy type. Maybe I should start a count down clock to see how long these pants last!

And what is up with low-rise? I just can't get used to the back of my jeans being so low and everytime I stand up I have to pull them up. Would a belt help? Do I just go with the flow and let them hang? Maybe Christina can give me a clue!

Posted by on December 22, 2005 12:24 AM |


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