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November 29, 2005

about 42,347

That's how many emails I had in my work email account. We had a virus get into our network and it caused many problems and multiple notifications of these problems. (There has got to be a better word than multiple.) I ended up working from home today since it came to a head around the time I should have been on the road. Can't do much in a car.

I did not have the problem figured out at 1:00 am last night so I slept for a few hours until our morning shift comes in at 3:30 am. Wooo hooo! The guy who calls has a DJ voice and can be very calming.

By the time we figured it out and had the problem under control, I would have only been in the office for 3 hours since the girls had a dentist appointment. So I worked the rest of the day at home.

Now I am off to take Youngest fufill her sleeping stuffed animal request and then slide into bed with my soft quilt on me. And sleep.


Posted by on November 29, 2005 07:46 PM |


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