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September 14, 2003

Top 10 Reasons I hate for Texas to lose.

10. The game is not fun.

9. I get mad at people for leaving early.

8. My husband starts cussing.

7. I have to really pay attention to the game and can't really chit chat with my friend.

6. After the game, my husband walks really fast and I almost have to run to keep up with him. (At 6 foot 9, he can walk fast.)

5. After the game, I am scared a fan from the other team will smart off to my husband. Did I mention he is 6 ' 9"? (He has no fear.)

4. After the game, we can not watch ESPN or anything that may mention Texas.

3. After the game, my husband does not really want to talk. And that mean almost no talk.

2. After the game, we usually don't stop anywhere. For anything. We drive staight home.

1. After the game, we don't stop anywhere. Or go out to dinner. We drive straight home, even if it is 8 hours away.

Posted by on September 14, 2003 08:28 PM |


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