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October 2004

October 17, 2004

Modern Day Quilt

My Mother gathered up t-shirts that I had saved through out my life. We added some of my husband's shirts and some that she had. With all these shirts, she made a wonderful queen size quilt. Wasn't it an old tradition to take scraps from dresses and make quilts out of that? This is like a modern day quilt.

In the middle is my baby shirt that says "I am a GI Brat." There is a t-shirt from high school graduation, fun run shirts, camp shirts, work shirts, tourist shirts, some of my husband's shirts from UT Law school. Most of the shirts are old and soft. On the back side she added a sage green sheet.

I could not wait until it was cooler to use it and had a chance this last week. Just knowing my Mother made it and she made it with love makes it much easier to sleep.

Mom, thanks for the wonderful gift!

(Click here to see a picture)

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